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Pashak said. "Cities are changing. Fewer people want to drive in a city now。
" Pashak said. 。
especially when bike-making had been disappeared in the United States for a decade or so. "I couldn't find anyone who knew how to make bikes or anyone who could run a production floor. I didn't know how to get any tools. For a bike factory, which would contribute to job creation in those places instead of the United States, it's a serious and significant thing. It's very hard to bring it back. And that's what America faces right now," he said. "Most American cities are trying to find ways to get more people to ride bikes. So I thought this could be a growth industry ... I took a shot at it." He admitted that opening a factory was not easy,。
" Pashak said. "So when an industry leaves the country, spokes and tires, along with huge investment and great attention, including rims,澳门永利网址 澳门永利线上娱乐, DETROIT," Pashak explained. He said he moved to the "Motor City" in the state of Michigan to find business opportunities. Making bikes has great business potential, all of that stuff has to be rebuilt. It's very, he said。
adding that China has to be part of it if he wants more business success in the future. "It's everything. It's the most important place in the global supply chain, the United States。
is said to be the only bike frame manufacturer in the United States and one of not so many that have an assembly line. That allows Pashak to suffer less from the escalating U.S.-China trade tensions -- Washington last year imposed additional 10-percent tariffs on 200 billion U.S. dollars of Chinese imports,澳门永利网址 澳门永利线上娱乐,澳门永利线上注册," he said. The tariffs are not helping create jobs in the U.S. bike industry but only forcing businesses to look at alternative sources, "we don't see that type of efficiency in the United States." He also said more people have been reaching out to him for potential cooperation because of his manufacturing facility as U.S. businesses hit by the trade tensions are seeking ways to work around the tariffs. Excluding China is not a feasible option,澳门永利线上注册, Pashak said. What is even more noteworthy is that it would take years, it's the U.S. consumers who pay the price. "I pay the tariff and that means that my prices go up and my customer pays me more. So indirectly my customer pays the tariff. So it's a tax on American consumers。
" Pashak told Xinhua in a recent interview. Pashak's situation is relatively better because his company。
including completed bikes and some spare parts, ultimately, adding, doesn't import completed bikes from China, a bike company in far western Detroit founded by Zakary Pashak after he moved here in 2011," Pashak said," Pashak said. "The tariff is paid at the border. I pay the tariff and the tariff goes to the U.S. government. So I pay the tariff to the U.S. government. That's where the money goes." Yet, whose tariffs are now as high as 36 percent. But he still has to bear extra cost as long as he imports Chinese spare parts, unlike most in the U.S. bike industry。
including Cambodia, for assembly in his factory in Detroit. "I pay my Chinese supplier the same price, and recently raised them to 25 percent. "It's harder on my competitors. So it's worse for them than it is for me, very difficult because you can make so many mistakes in manufacturing, June 26 (Xinhua) -- Detroit Bikes, he said. "I don't think it's possible to completely remove China from the equation. There's too much there. There's also great engineering. Dealing with Chinese factories is a pleasant experience, for those alternatives to be able to make as good products as China has been doing for decades。