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June 27 (Xinhua) -- China's Ministry of Commerce (MOC) announced Thursday that it will extend anti-dumping duties on imports of toluidine, June 27, medicines and farm chemicals,澳门永利线上注册,澳门永利线上娱乐, 2019 BEIJING, an organic chemical widely used in the production of dyes,澳门永利线上娱乐, from the European Union (EU) for another five years. China imposed anti-dumping duties on toluidine in 2013 on the grounds that the products were being dumped on the Chinese market below market prices. The latest decision follows a review launched a year ago that found the domestic industry would be harmed if anti-dumping duties were discontinued. The MOC said China will continue to collect anti-dumping duties starting Friday on such imports in accordance with the rates set in 2013. Anti-dumping duty rates will be 19.6 percent for the chemical from LANXESS Deutschland GmbH and 36.9 percent for imports from all other EU companies. (For the latest China news,澳门永利网址 澳门永利线上娱乐, China extends anti-dumping duties on toluidine imports from EU (Xinhua)15:38, LiangJun) Add your comment Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. 。